If you have some questions about our brand, products or other stuff you should be able to find the answer below. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us.



  • €5.95 for orders under €70.
  • Shipping is free for orders of €70 or more.

Other countries

  • €7.95 for all orders


Currently we are shipping from our garage, so it may takes some more time than you are used to.

You should receive your packing somewhere between 3 or 5 days after your order.


Send an email to info@teamalezi.com providing your order number and we will get back to you asap.


It's coming from Allez-y, which means "Go for it" in French. We added 'Team', because we are trying to build a community. So, you could translate is as "Team go for it"

Not for now, only online.


All our products are normal in size.

From feedback from our customers, we have heard that the unisex models are often slightly too large for women and slightly too small for men.

On each product page, you will find a size chart. Taking your measurements first or using a t-shirt or sweater that currently fits well can definitely be helpful.

It's great that you're thinking about this! We find it very important too. Our clothing is not only made of organic cotton but is also very fair. No child labor, good working conditions, and fair wages for the people who make our clothing.

Would you like more information about this? Send us a message!

The sweaters and t-shirts you see on our webshop are the only ones available. Printing on a different color T-shirt or sweater is currently not possible.

The good news? When we launch a new collection, we always try to change the colors of our sweaters and T-shirts as much as possible. So we aim to provide variety regularly. Hopefully, you'll find something you like soon!

Do you want to stay informed about our next collection? Then quickly subscribe to our newsletter.

Good question! We recommend to wash your clothes at 30° Celsius and to let them dry naturally. Easy peasy!

You may notice that your print becomes slightly lighter in color after a few washes. You don't have to worry! We use a special printing method where the ink is mixed with bleach. During the first washes, the bleach in the ink will dissipate, making it appear to fade. However, it will never completely disappear!